Trul Reservations


These Terms are valid for any access or use of the website, inside or outside Brazil, and regulate the services offered by BRAINY HOTEL CONSULTING LTDA, that is, the relationship between the parties arising from hotel services and related products offered by the Hotel, without prejudice the existence of other specific Terms, regulations and conditions of use (“Additional Terms”).



Any “Additional Terms” will be duly informed to users and will form part of this agreement. In case of conflict, the provisions of the Additional Terms in relation to the conflicting matter will prevail.

The Hotel may, at any time and without prior notice to

users, change, modify or adjust the Terms. Any modifications that restrict user rights or modify the processing of personal data or sensitive personal information will be communicated duly and in a timely manner. This does not eliminate the need for the user to review the Terms frequently, as they are subject to the Terms in force at the time of their access, use, sending or obtaining content, products, promotions, information, services or offers. If you do not agree, the user must stop using the services and cancel their registration.




send notifications and communications via email, text messages (“SMS”) or WhatsApp, publications on the website, or any other means, with informative and promotional content related to the services and products offered by the Hotel. If desired, the user may revoke authorization by contacting [email protected]



The services on this website are only available to

individuals with full civil capacity, of legal age according to local legislation and/or emancipated, who must agree that the use of the website will be restricted to these Terms.

By using this website, you declare that you are of legal minimum age to enter into agreements with legal consequences, responsibilities and implications and are liable for them civilly and criminally. The user also declares that they are legally and fully authorized to make reservations for the Hotel and/or purchases of products and services for themselves and others they represent.

Reservations for the Hotel, as well as purchases of services or

Products made available must be legitimate, with false or fraudulent reservations and/or information prohibited. The website must be accessed for personal purposes, using it for commercial purposes and sending “spam” communications is prohibited. The user declares that he will not use robot software or equivalent technological automation when browsing the website or accessing its services.

Reservations and registration of users' personal information

must be made by themselves or representatives, with the necessary powers of representation to act on their behalf, and will be responsible for the posted content and registration information, which must be lawful, true, correct and always up to date.

Under no circumstances will the hotel be responsible for errors,

omission, falsehood, inaccuracy in the information provided by the user.



The hotel will not be responsible for any error in communication; interruption or failure of operation; access difficulties; loss, theft or error in the direction of messages or security problems with these communications.

You agree that the Hotel and third party providers of services or products related to this website are exempt from liability for any loss or damage caused to your internet access device, due to the use of banking, confidential, personal or other personally identifiable information related to or resulting from this website, or any other websites associated with or directed by it.

In order for the Hotel to offer services related to this website, including the completion of reservations or orders made on it, the establishment may use services provided by third parties. The website user agrees that BRAINY HOTEL CONSULTING LTDA will not be

responsible for acts, errors, omissions, contractual breaches, delays, defects, negligence or imprudence committed by these contracted third parties, nor will it be liable for any damages, losses, death or any other harmful consequence.

The user is responsible for any comments on the Hotel's publications, being subject to applicable legal measures for any offense caused to the Hotel or third parties.



Guest agrees and assumes full responsibility for use

of the objects, land, amenities, dependencies and surroundings owned by the Hotel, including the products offered by it, in addition to agreeing to all terms and conditions of purchase.

Additionally, the guest agrees to be responsible

in full for any and all charges, fees and amounts, in addition to possible fines caused by misuse of services related to your reservation and the services offered by the Pousada.



Privacy policies regulate the use and provision of

services relating to the collection, processing and use of data about the user, including the transfer of this information for storage, processing and use for the purposes necessary for the services offered by BRAINY HOTEL CONSULTING LTDA, its companies

partners and other establishments related to it, for the specific purposes of their services and possible uses present in the aforementioned privacy policy, which constitutes an integral part of these terms.

Registration information and data about users are

subject to these policies, which the user declares to have read, understood and agreed to.



Brands, names, logos, domain names, property

intellectual property in general and other distinctive signs, as well as any and all content, design, art, visual identity, layout published on the website are the exclusive property of the Hotel, and use without prior authorization, partial or full reproduction is prohibited, subject to the offender to the applicable legal measures, without prejudice to possible compensation for losses and damages and to third parties who may suffer damages due to the aforementioned acts.



By using the website, the user confirms that they have read, understood and

accepted the information below. If you do not agree with these Terms, which complement the Site's Privacy Policies, you must immediately stop using the services and cancel your registration.

In the event that any provision of these Terms becomes

considered invalid, ineffective or null, by any competent body, the others will remain in full force for any and all purposes.

Possible tolerance by either party to infractions or

Failure to comply with the conditions stipulated in these Terms will be understood as an act of mere liberality, not constituting a precedent, novation or waiver of any rights guaranteed by legislation or by the Terms of Use themselves.

The relationships and functionalities discussed here will be governed by Brazilian laws. The court of the District of Belo Horizonte/MG is elected as the competent court to resolve any disputes arising from the contractual relationship.

For any information, questions or clarifications, please contact us by email at [email protected].

Seu carnaval te espera!
Aproveite nossas ofertas especiais e se hospede conosco de 01/03/25 a 05/03/2025
com até 25% de desconto!

  • Oferta mediante disponibilidade para o período;

  • Oferta com mínimo de 4 noites;

  • Oferta disponível para todas as categorias de apartamentos;

  • Tarifas não reembolsáveis;

  • Não válido para datas em períodos de grandes feiras e eventos na cidade;

  • Desconto não acumulativo com outras ofertas vigentes.


*Para que possamos nos preparar para sua chegada, com a qualidade que você merece, a antecedência mínima da reserva do pacote é de 72h.
** Reservas não reembolsáveis com pagamento antecipado

Presenteie-se com um merecido descanso.
Aproveite nossas ofertas especiais e se hospede conosco de 18/04/25 a 21/04/2025
com até 25% de desconto!

  • Oferta mediante disponibilidade para o período;

  • Oferta com mínimo de 3 noites;

  • Oferta disponível para todas as categorias de apartamentos;

  • Tarifas não reembolsáveis;

  • Não válido para datas em períodos de grandes feiras e eventos na cidade;

  • Desconto não acumulativo com outras ofertas vigentes.


*Para que possamos nos preparar para sua chegada, com a qualidade que você merece, a antecedência mínima da reserva do pacote é de 72h.
** Reservas não reembolsáveis com pagamento antecipado

Descubra um novo significado para o descanso. Aproveite nossas ofertas especiais e se hospede conosco de 19/06/2025 a 22/06/2025
com até 25% de desconto!!

  • Oferta mediante disponibilidade para o período;

  • Oferta com mínimo de 3 noites;

  • Oferta disponível para todas as categorias de apartamentos;

  • Tarifas não reembolsáveis;

  • Não válido para datas em períodos de grandes feiras e eventos na cidade;

  • Desconto não acumulativo com outras ofertas vigentes.


*Para que possamos nos preparar para sua chegada, com a qualidade que você merece, a antecedência mínima da reserva do pacote é de 72h.
** Reservas não reembolsáveis com pagamento antecipado

Seu dia a dia merece uma pausa.
Aproveite nossas ofertas especiais e se hospede conosco de 01/05/25 a 04/05/2025
com até 25% de desconto!

  • Oferta mediante disponibilidade para o período;

  • Oferta com mínimo de 3 noites;

  • Oferta disponível para todas as categorias de apartamentos;

  • Tarifas não reembolsáveis;

  • Não válido para datas em períodos de grandes feiras e eventos na cidade;

  • Desconto não acumulativo com outras ofertas vigentes.


*Para que possamos nos preparar para sua chegada, com a qualidade que você merece, a antecedência mínima da reserva do pacote é de 72h.
** Reservas não reembolsáveis com pagamento antecipado

Aproveite nossas ofertas especiais
e se hospede conosco de
20/11/2025 a 23/11/2025
com até 25% de desconto!

  • Oferta mediante disponibilidade para o período;

  • Oferta com mínimo de 3 noites;

  • Oferta disponível para todas as categorias de apartamentos;

  • Tarifas não reembolsáveis;

  • Não válido para datas em períodos de grandes feiras e eventos na cidade;

  • Desconto não acumulativo com outras ofertas vigentes.


*Para que possamos nos preparar para sua chegada, com a qualidade que você merece, a antecedência mínima da reserva do pacote é de 72h.
** Reservas não reembolsáveis com pagamento antecipado